that was nothing.
"...the web goriest flash in all its glory!"
Goriest flash ever? No, not even close.
that was nothing.
"...the web goriest flash in all its glory!"
Goriest flash ever? No, not even close.
...always loved how you physically articulated the emotion, the storyline, EVERYTHING! This one especially is packed with unsaid words and over-flooding with intense emotion. Once an artist moves into a logical, "real-life" story-line it really brings the series to life.
It's very impressive how you use the music to mediate the atmosphere and not to propose meaning. To interpret it all so wonderfully and fluently without aid of 'emotion-defining' music or vocals really is QUITE the wonder.
Focusing more on the animation style, you cram such a large number of scenes into such a short span of time, but you transition from one thing to another in an astonishingly appealing way sometimes even composing two entirely separate scenes into one framespan. And the never-changing drawing style, a lot of times artists will alter in some way the next piece in their series, which, while sometimes appreciate, takes away from the subtle authenticity of the original work. All four of your pieces have maintained an identical style, making your watchers more comfortable. A person will be wary and curious about a new-looking animation, while they would be more accepting, ultimately increasing the "appeal-factor" to one that they know and love. Also on the note of animation style, the characters themselves, their shapes, the way they move, their transition from emotion to emotion, it just screams meaning. I find it so amazing when an artist can conform their characters to reflect the overall FEEL of the piece.
I would normally give an in-depth explanation of every tiny symbolistic detail but I feel that providing a 'spoiler', or even denying the watcher to interpret it for themselves, would be much more than an insult for THIS level of work.
"Step 4 left me filled with emotion and craving for more. Keep up the amazing work SamBakZa while we wait in suspense an hope for a happy ending."
--Ono's Professional Weekly Review
Joined on 7/14/08